This morning I caught a flight and flew myself to London. For some reason, my flight arrived half an hour earlier than expected, so I took my time making my way to the train station. I stopped at the Marks&Spencers in the airport to get myself a drink, thirsty as I was, and found some chocolate cookies so I bought them for my friend whom I was going to crash with.
The photo above was taken through a glass wall that looked out onto the motorway. There were people sitting on some benches to my left, and they might've stared but I'm not bothered anymore -I do too many weird stuff just to get photos already. There was a man who sat beside me with a little son of his, probably just about three to five years old. He, the little son, was one of the cutest things ever, and I was really tempted to ask if I could take a photo of him. He had these gorgeous moon eyes, that is if the moon had a deep navy sea for surface; soft blond hair and an adorably round face. However, I was really tired -I have been out quite literally every night for the past week- so I slept as soon as I had my seat belt buckled. The dad woke me halfway, requesting to be let out as his son needed a visit to the bathroom and I was in the aisle seat, and I almost asked when they returned, but I unfortunately didn't. Then the plane landed -the boy was a really excited and slightly cheeky one who already understood the art of humour-, I got my bag down and while waiting for the front passengers to stream out, I very almost did. But I didn't. The line started to move, I stole one last look and moved on; and in the tunnel going into the airport, the image of the photo of what it would've been like if I'd actually done it floated about my mind and still does now.

Arriving at Waterloo station.
I then met my friend -we walked into one another without even having our phones out! It was amazing!- and we walked out onto the London streets.
I spotted this guy and snapped a picture of him, a question of what he was doing there surfacing there in my head as the camera's shutter clicked. Then I turned, as my friend was directing me around the corner, and when I stole a quick look back, he was with a girl I presumed was his girlfriend and they had probably planned to meet there and he was waiting for her.
And now it's half past midnight and I have a long eventful day I've been waiting for weeks already, so I'll leave you here and share more stories soon.
Hope your days are lovely, and remember that you can make things happen too!