Saturday, April 28, 2012

city of royals.

  A few more pictures from my holiday in London back in December. I swear London isn't the best place to visit during Christmas time, especially if you're not a crowd person. The underground's timetable was completely messed up -some in fear of bomb threats- and on Boxing day, in lure of the prospect of sales on Oxford street, my family and I decided to head there. Horrible choice. To move forward, you had to be a salmon and swim upstream against the current. Not to mention that there was a murder there which we only found out the next day when my sister saw the headlines of a newspaper on a news stand.

  I'm probably giving a rather bad impression of London. I guess I had always thought that I might like it and it turned out that I didn't. Mainly because I loathe crowds. However, we hardly visited any art galleries or museums, which I think is what I'll do if I make another trip there. I should mention that I fell in love with the inside of Westminster Abbey; to say that it took my breath away is probably an understatement. I remember standing in front of carved slabs and studying the engraved calligraphic words for literally a few minutes. Everything was so awe-inspiring, it was in a way a good thing that they did not allow photography in there or I would have stayed there for days just trying to capture everything. So really, it wasn't all that bad.

  But for now, just enjoy the photos! :)

fur ball.
young girls playing with water outside Buckingham palace.
christmas market.
tourists strolling through Hyde park.
horse riders in Hyde Park.
overflowing leaves.
crowd along Oxford Street on boxing day.
fountain in Trafalgar Square and the theatre where we watched the 'Phantom of the Opera'.
And yes, the play was absolutely amazing! Hours later when we were back in our rented apartment, I remember still hearing the orchestra playing in my head.

camouflaged fabric elephants in the middle of their balancing act.
fairy in window display.

ps. I normally like adjusting my own curves, but a number of the photos above were enhanced with the help of some of the curves by the amazing Julia Trotti which she so generously gives out for free on her blog.

Also, I don't mind if you would like to use my photos, but I would really appreciate it if you would let me know beforehand as well as credit them. Thanks :)



  1. This is really lovely. I haven't visited London for a while now, but when I do soon I really hope my captures are as nice as yours! Thanks for the links for the curves, too.

    1. Thank you! I hope you'll have a lovely trip :)
