Dear "Haters,"
Honestly, I'm 99% positive that you don't hate me, because I'm also 99% sure you really don't know who I am. You might know my shell, this shell that I wear out to the world. You don't understand, what my life is like, and I don't understand your life. Let's keep it like that though, because if you have enough time and energy to spend "hating" me I don't think I would like spending time around you.
I'm sorry if I actually hurt you in any way, if so then I deserve your hatred. I just hope that your time hating me could not have taken up time in your life, because frankly I don't deserve your time if I offended you.
Hopefully, we can both learn something from each other. Isn't that a good thing to do in life, learn from your mistakes? It tends to be my view point on things, so I thank you haters. Thank you for exposing me to something I most likely haven't experienced before. Thank you for teaching me to brush you off, and not to take anything personally. I get it. Some people just won't like me, and you've taught me that.
I hope by you hating me, that I've taught you something. People aren't perfect, and won't always live up to your standards. I'm not a robot or a barbie doll that you can dress up and do what ever you please with. I'm a person I have thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, and opinions, just because they're not exactly like yours it doesn't give you the right to "hate" me.
I admit it, I might be a "hater" too. I know how it feels, but I've realized my time and energy put into hating something turned out to be wasted. I could have put that time and energy into something I love, something I enjoy. Trust me, I don't enjoy hating you. Don't get me wrong, you're worth hating, I just don't have the time.
Peace out Girl Scout.
Honestly, I'm 99% positive that you don't hate me, because I'm also 99% sure you really don't know who I am. You might know my shell, this shell that I wear out to the world. You don't understand, what my life is like, and I don't understand your life. Let's keep it like that though, because if you have enough time and energy to spend "hating" me I don't think I would like spending time around you.
I'm sorry if I actually hurt you in any way, if so then I deserve your hatred. I just hope that your time hating me could not have taken up time in your life, because frankly I don't deserve your time if I offended you.
Hopefully, we can both learn something from each other. Isn't that a good thing to do in life, learn from your mistakes? It tends to be my view point on things, so I thank you haters. Thank you for exposing me to something I most likely haven't experienced before. Thank you for teaching me to brush you off, and not to take anything personally. I get it. Some people just won't like me, and you've taught me that.
I hope by you hating me, that I've taught you something. People aren't perfect, and won't always live up to your standards. I'm not a robot or a barbie doll that you can dress up and do what ever you please with. I'm a person I have thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, and opinions, just because they're not exactly like yours it doesn't give you the right to "hate" me.
I admit it, I might be a "hater" too. I know how it feels, but I've realized my time and energy put into hating something turned out to be wasted. I could have put that time and energy into something I love, something I enjoy. Trust me, I don't enjoy hating you. Don't get me wrong, you're worth hating, I just don't have the time.
Peace out Girl Scout.
And you're just so not worth it.
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