Saturday, May 17, 2014

green crowds

I've been writing unguided writings where I'm pretty sure all the rules are wrong, all except for grammar, but even that may be questionable; rebelling against my love-hate relationship with academics and all its imposing writing.

This library has lost all the charm it once had for me, yet I'm still here. I don't really want to be here. There's the field and the trees outside this glass box where I sit with all these various creatures (if you split us into professions, that is).

Anyway, I wrote some sort of poem –

I've been sober on life for too long
I'm losing my mind

We sat in the middle of the field a few days ago
Lay there, me on your chest
There was always things flooding my mind, my chest
Swelling and pressing themselves against the wall 
I had to remind myself to breathe

But that day we sat there
Amidst trees and greenery
I watched the leaves
Green crowds, green clouds
I'd never liked crowds
But these foliage together sang me peace
I was here, I was now
The breeze nudged me gently as I looked up to you
watching everything I had just seen

Saturday, May 10, 2014

fledging dreams

After spending so much time around people my age, I always find it really refreshing to meet people with a bigger age gap. Around two weeks ago, I went for a shoot with my friend Bernadette and her sister, Sarah. Our walks and talks fell naturally into a rhythm as we talked of books and movies and university (and of whether one could study piracy at university -the ahoy, mate! sort of piracy, that is). 
The sisters weren't models, and it took a while, but soon enough, they eased themselves up in front of the camera by interacting with each other and doing the things they did best -one of which was climbing trees! They were a breath of life I needed in those weeks that I was working on my dissertation and I love the way these photos turned out. 

I thought I would've written down what happened that day, but I might have forgotten and so now all that's left is fuzzy memories of what we said. But before we left, Sarah asked me if we were friends to which I said of course. Her face lit up, pleased to have a new friend which I thought was adorable. I was glad to have a new friend too, but I would have never expressed it so enthusiastically.

Also, I have been working on a portfolio website for a few months now and am finally releasing it for everyone to see! Have a look here if you'd like to :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

floating steps

I was sitting in the office
thinking of something less pretty
only to remember that
I'm trying to eliminate ugly

So I looked up at the windows
framed like a glass tank
and noticed a soft drift
that reminded me of snow
Perhaps it was spring saying hello

We've had two weeks of sunshine
and I'm afraid that gold's been all used up
Because the forecast speaks of rain and drizzle
I thought the Irish had better luck

But I look down at my black tights
with skin shining through
And realised how I'm still dressed in winter
Blue, blue, black with magenta shoes

Proving how I walk with my heart
Through days of gloom